#Episode 133: Avoid A Slip In Your Recovery | Dr. Trish Leigh
One of the most difficult aspects of porn addiction recovery includes avoiding slips and relapses.
However strong your recovery plan is, the urge to go back to the screen will most certainly be there. In order to fight off these cravings, a mindfulness breathing exercise can be implemented to keep the brain regulated.
Studies show, that 3-minute intervals of meditation for 8 weeks can significantly improve brain functioning, therefore helping you stay the course during recovery.
If you are looking for more ways to quit porn and regulate your brain, I can help!
➡️To get started on your p*** addiction recovery journey: https://drtrishleigh.com/get-started/
➡️To enroll in personalized neurofeedback coaching: https://drtrishleigh.com/neurofeedback-coaching-program/
➡️To join an entry-level brain training Community: https://drtrishleigh.com/brain-training/
Hi. I am Dr. Trish Leigh, a Cognitive Neuroscientist, and Sex Addiction Recovery Coach. I am on a mission to help people heal their brains from porn use.
My podcasts are designed to help you learn that:
🎯Porn Damages Your Brain,
🎯Porn Impairs Your Mental and Physical Health, and
🎯Porn Destroys Your Relationships.
Subscribe to this channel for 🧠 tips to:
✅Quit Porn for Good
✅Heal Your Brain from Porn
✅Get Motivated in Your Life
✅Repair Your Mental & Physical Health
✅Heal Erectile Dysfunction
If you need more help, I can work directly with you.
Check out the programs below.
Donate to Porn Brain Prevention, the nonprofit to help teens avoid porn addiction below:
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